Coagulants an essential part of a water treatment system


An essential part of a water treatment system
Used to remove a wide variety of hazardous materials from water, ranging from organic matter to inorganics and toxic materials.

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    Four glass beakers each one with an increasing amount of flocculating substancesFour glass beakers each one with an increasing amount of flocculating substances

    Coagulants Offering


    Univar Solutions' portfolio of products includes both organic and organic coagulants. We provide traditionally used coagulants such as Aluminum Sulfate (Alum), Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC,) and Ferric Chloride.

    To meet the needs of an evolving market, challenged by regulatory complexity and environmental limitations we also offer organic, biodegradable, and/or plant-based products. 

    Browse Our Coagulants Online